Mar 30, 2015

Envision Children on the Lincoln Ware Show

Envision Children was recently on Cincinnati Issues with Lincoln Ware on Channel 64, talking about the upcoming 10th Annual Lighting the Way scholarship gala. Take a few moments, and consider supporting this 501C3 nonprofit at .
STAR64 WSTR-TV Cincinnati :: Community - Cincinnati ...
STAR64 WSTR-TV Cincinnati :: Community - Cincinnati Issues - Each week, host Lincoln Ware and two special guests shed light on a range of current issues...
Preview by Yahoo

Mar 19, 2015

10th Annual "Lighting the Way" Scholarship Fundraiser

The 10th Annual "Lighting the Way" Scholarship Fundraiser is fast approaching. This even benefits opportunity deprived students in the Greater Cincinnati area to attend our Academic Summer Enrichment Program. An intensive, 8-week academic engagement program for children ages 4 – 10. The program with run from June 3rd, 2015 to July 24th, 2015 and is theme based – with the 2015  theme being “Great Inventions, Great Discoveries II”. Each week, students take a fun and educational field trip that corresponds to the study subject of the week. Weekly family learning packets and an end-of-summer program celebration help students demonstrate what they have learned.

Reserve your tickets today: